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In my previous post Is the construction industry embracing digital? I wrote about the lack of activity online of big corporations in the construction industry. In this post, I would like to go deeper and explore the budget constraints that smaller companies are facing, among which are many of our customers (air conditioning and / or heating installers) and therefore, look at how the big brands can help.

The reality is that marketing costs are high and many of these SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) don’t employ a marketing expert or only have a team of one. Furthermore, creative agency fees are expensive and there is no easy way to quantify the return of investment of marketing activities for this type of business model.

So how can SMEs in the construction / HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) industry reach new customers or engage with existing ones with a low marketing budget?

Here are some recommendations:

  • Join social media

    Facebook and Twitter are very good tools to reach domestic end users. We all are potential end users, aren’t we?

  • Join the conversation

    Once you’ve become active on social media, make sure you take part and contribute to discussions, sharing your knowledge and showing off your own individual expertise.

  • Visit public free royalty photography platforms

    This way you can use their pictures on social media without having to worry about copyright.

  • Step into the shoes of your customer

    What are the problems they have that you can help them with? They may not be looking for an “air-source heat pump”, but does your customer need to heat their homes and live in an off-gas area?

  • Share fun content to catch their eye and make your brand more personable

    Do some research about trending hash tags #MondayMotivation #WednesdayWisdom #ThrowbackThurday #FridayFunday

  • Avoid industry stereotypes, sexist and political comments or direct statements that can be misconstrued or misunderstood

  • Use plain English and make sure the language you use is appropriate to the audience you are talking to

    Sometimes we tend to speak in a highly technical way using industry jargon and our less-technical customers can simply get lost.

  • Follow us on Social Media, especially Twitter and LinkedIn

    Then share any content that is relevant to your customers.

  • Point your customers to The Hub – Each article that we update has an option for you to share on your social media platforms

    If you go to the Homeowner section of The Hub, you might find content that your customers will find useful, engaging and informative. You also can copy the link of any relevant article and attach it to your e-marketing communications.

To find free royalty photography platforms I recommend you to visit this blog post


Zoraida Jerez is a Digital Specialist at Mitsubishi Electric.

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